
Transformation is a recurring theme in my mental space.

- "I'm sure you're going to do something with this."

There are things that we just think are beautiful. Matte mirrors, with changeable colours, almost glossy, somewhat abstract, simple windows with the immense potential of reflection.
I love a good mirror, for me that is not clearest one but the one that allows me to dive into the search for the Self.
Everything changes, always.
(Does it really? Could transformation be a matter of perspective?)
The metallic foil is fragile and does not hide the brushstrokes, the watercolour is somewhat incompatible with it and the two only touch each other, they do not mix as on paper.
The metal here represents the mourning of what was and the water is the new dream, the rebirth after death.
It is curious that both offer reflection and remind us that the wheel revolves around the observer.

This series is still open, come back in a while if you want to know what came out of my brushes.